Backache Ayurvedic Treatments

Backache Treatments
Backache is medically known as lumbago. It is the disease which afflicts any region of the vertebral column or the associated muscles. Each of the 32 vertebrae can develop sudden pains which could become a chronic condition. Though we use the term backache in general, actually it is a collection of various types of pains of the vertebral column. People find these kinds of pains to be more common as they grow older. Though there are no gender specifics, lumbago may be a bit more in men than in women. In Ayurveda, backache is called as Nithamba Shoola. Ayurveda treats this pain as a vata disorder, which causes both the types of weaknesses, i.e. the bone weakness and the muscle weakness. Hence when deciding on a proper treatment pattern for backache, one needs to consider the vitiation of the vata dosha.
Ayurvedic Treatments for Backache
The Ayurvedic preparation, Prasarani, is the drug that is most commonly used for the treatment of backache. Prasarani is Paederia foetida, which is a plant species. The method of use can be either external or internal. For better effects the oil of the plant is used. Massaging with this oil about two or three times a day provides immense relief from backache problems. Even if the pain subsides, the treatment must be continued for a month so that the pain does not recur. Other oils available for massaging the affected parts are the Narayana and the Mahanarayana oils. These oils must be used for fomentation or mixed in warm water to give a hot tub bath.